Curated Book Selection
With over 60 years of expertise, we've been reshaping libraries of all sizes into captivating spaces for private clients, interior decorators, and hotels worldwide.
We believe in the eloquence of books – how a shelf, a wall, or a room filled with them can communicate volumes. Our team of passionate book enthusiasts brings expertise to every project, curating libraries that weave unique stories. Whether focusing on a single subject, reflecting personalities and places, or selecting books tailored to specific preferences, we excel at understanding our clients' library goals and exceeding expectations. Discover how we turn literary aspirations into reality for private residences, interior design projects, and prestigious hotels.
"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library."
"the charm of the landscape around mandarin oriental, lago di como resonates in the atmosphere ... each book has been carefully selected by the Rizzoli Bookstore from New York."
How We Work
We hold a preliminary meeting to discuss the project and your specific book and design requirements. We will then provide a full brief of the project and a comprehensive quote.
Our team of in-house experts will curate and assemble your bespoke collection. Each title will earn a place in your library based on its quality, relevance, and beauty, from contents to cover. We can also advise on any shelf design requirements.
Your library will be delivered by our team of experts. We understand the importance of creating not only an engaging library but also a beautifully presented room or collection. Installation and display are available upon request.
Our team will remain in contact to ensure the ongoing success of your library. We are always glad to offer seasonal updates or recommend new publications that will complement your collection.
Mandarin Oriental, Lago di Como
Contact Us
If you would like to discuss an existing library or a new project with our library-building team, please do not hesitate to contact us to book the first consultation.
tel: +1 212-759-2424 By Email