Palm Beach People is a dazzling portraitand insider's view of a fabled andexclusive resort community and itshigh-profile denizens, as seen throughthe lens of master photographer HarryBenson and the words of societycolumnist Hilary Geary Ross. Ross and Benson's critically acclaimedfirst project, the coffee-table book, NewYork, New York, provided readers with aninside look at the homes and portraitsof New York City's movers and shakers.In this beautiful, deluxe-size follow-up, Palm Beach People, Benson and Ross givethe reader a grand tour of America'smost glamorous watering hole. You'llmeet everyone from captains of industry, politicians, movie stars, artists, and bestsellingauthors to celebrated athletesand society doyenne, all photographedin their exquisite private oases, oftenarchitectural masterpieces, or in other oftheir favorite Palm Beach settings. Palm Beach People captures theessence of America's most exclusiveenclave, from the early 70s to today, in hundreds of color and black-and-whitephotographs complimented byrevealing captions. Subjects includethe Duke and Duchess of Marlborough;former Canadian Prime Minister BrianMulroney and his wife Mila; Marie-JoseeKravis; members of the Fanjul family;Judy and Alfred Taubman; GeorginaBloomberg; Pauline Pitt; Mrs. HenryFord; Leonard Lauder; Tommy LeeJones; David Koch; Arriana and DixonBoardman; Tatiana Smith; Mrs. WinstonChurchill; Brooke Shields; Anne Slater;and many, many more.
Palm Beach People
Palm Beach People is a dazzling portraitand insider's view of a fabled andexclusive resort community and itshigh-profile denizens, as seen throughthe lens of master photographer HarryBenson and the words of societycolumnist Hilary Geary Ross. Ross and Benson's critically acclaimedfirst project, the coffee-table book, NewYork, New York, provided readers with aninside look at the homes and portraitsof New York City's movers and shakers.In this beautiful, deluxe-size follow-up, Palm Beach People, Benson and Ross givethe reader a grand tour of America'smost glamorous watering hole. You'llmeet everyone from captains of industry, politicians, movie stars, artists, and bestsellingauthors to celebrated athletesand society doyenne, all photographedin their exquisite private oases, oftenarchitectural masterpieces, or in other oftheir favorite Palm Beach settings. Palm Beach People captures theessence of America's most exclusiveenclave, from the early 70s to today, in hundreds of color and black-and-whitephotographs complimented byrevealing captions. Subjects includethe Duke and Duchess of Marlborough;former Canadian Prime Minister BrianMulroney and his wife Mila; Marie-JoseeKravis; members of the Fanjul family;Judy and Alfred Taubman; GeorginaBloomberg; Pauline Pitt; Mrs. HenryFord; Leonard Lauder; Tommy LeeJones; David Koch; Arriana and DixonBoardman; Tatiana Smith; Mrs. WinstonChurchill; Brooke Shields; Anne Slater;and many, many more.
Palm Beach People is a dazzling portraitand insider's view of a fabled andexclusive resort community and itshigh-profile denizens, as seen throughthe lens of master photographer HarryBenson and the words of societycolumnist Hilary Geary Ross. Ross and Benson's critically acclaimedfirst project, the coffee-table book, NewYork, New York, provided readers with aninside look at the homes and portraitsof New York City's movers and shakers.In this beautiful, deluxe-size follow-up, Palm Beach People, Benson and Ross givethe reader a grand tour of America'smost glamorous watering hole. You'llmeet everyone from captains of industry, politicians, movie stars, artists, and bestsellingauthors to celebrated athletesand society doyenne, all photographedin their exquisite private oases, oftenarchitectural masterpieces, or in other oftheir favorite Palm Beach settings. Palm Beach People captures theessence of America's most exclusiveenclave, from the early 70s to today, in hundreds of color and black-and-whitephotographs complimented byrevealing captions. Subjects includethe Duke and Duchess of Marlborough;former Canadian Prime Minister BrianMulroney and his wife Mila; Marie-JoseeKravis; members of the Fanjul family;Judy and Alfred Taubman; GeorginaBloomberg; Pauline Pitt; Mrs. HenryFord; Leonard Lauder; Tommy LeeJones; David Koch; Arriana and DixonBoardman; Tatiana Smith; Mrs. WinstonChurchill; Brooke Shields; Anne Slater;and many, many more.
Publication Date
November 1, 2014
Item Condition
Photography | Subjects & Themes | Portraits & Selfies; Photography | Subjects & Themes | Regional (see also Travel - Pictorials); Travel | Pictorials (see also Photography | Subjects & Themes - Regional)